Try this easy recipe to make hand made gnocchi typical from the area of Rome that s why they are called Gnocchi alla Romana, but you can easily find them in most part of Tuscany too. I love them as they are light and milky and when you bake them the flavour is really so good. To make this recipe you need 2 cups of semola flour, a liter of milk, some salt, parmisan cheese and nut mug, two eggs.
First boil the milk with some salt and add the semola flour mix gently till you feel it compact and soft,turn the fire off and add some parmisan cheese ,a spoon of butter and 2 eggs mix well,then
roll out the semola on a table or on a chopping wood and leave it for a while until is cold and with a round mould make many rolls and lay them in a bake pan spread with nut mug,and parmesan cheese. Bake in the hot oven for 30 minutes until is crispy and serve warm.